Senin, 23 Maret 2015

Love and Faith

Indonesian romantic drama film titled "Love and Faith" is a film that tells the story of a man of Chinese descent named Karmaka Surjaudaja (Rio Morrow) who in childhood lived with all the limitations to the school so that the expense of the younger brother Tjie Ong Kwee (Dion Wiyoko) can study in the field of medicine. Karmaka captivating work by becoming a sports teacher in Chinese schools named Nan Hua. When teaching his Karmaka create an enchanted, a girl named Lim Kwei Ing (Laura Basuki) which became in love with Karmaka. At first, keep your distance because Kwei Karmaka Ing come from wealthy families. With the passage of time, and Kwei Karmaka Ing become closer and eventually married. Karmaka trusted to take care of the bank after Kwei father Ing stuck in Hong Kong at the time of transfer of the Old Order to the New Order. In addition to addressing business challenges, Karmaka also undergo domestic life together with Kwei Ing in joy and sorrow. That little piece of her story for more details please see in your favorite movies all okey guaranteed fun ...

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